Central Heating Systems

Case Studies

Heat Services Newtork solves heating problem for a Clonmel family

When Eddie started to check out local gas installers, a colleague recommended contacting Heat Services Networks, a Flogas approved and RGII registered independent gas installer. (More details)

The Self Build Challenge

Electrical engineer Ross Fanning was building a family home in Co. Wexford. Before work commenced, Ross had already done a lot of his own research into the energy options available. His calculations showed that the running costs of oil for the new two storey, four bedroomed home could be quite expensive. (More details)

Switching from Oil to Gas

Bryan Cunningham was managing director of the Kerryman for many years and is now busy enjoying his well-earned retirement in the house he built over 20 years ago in a scenic part of Kerry. However, the oil boiler originally installed for central heating and hot water was now reaching the end of its useful life. (More details)

FloGas LP Gas solves oil theft threat for Kerry family

Castlegregory resident Denis Harty had heard about one of his neighbours having two full tanks of heating oil stolen in quick succession but it didn't hit home until he tried to turn on his own heating one chilly day. When nothing happened, Denis checked his tank to discover that his family was now a victim of what is a rapidly growing crime in rural Ireland. (More details)